Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 8 class summary

Date: 16 March 2010
Title: Juxtaposition Part 2
Objective: To understand juxtaposition in action
Lecture: Sharifah Nur Anthasha

In the previous lesson, juxtaposition is the compare and contrast of two elements. The act of positioning close together (or side by side).

There are two type of analogies:
1. Logical
- It is more to rational and base on physical appearance.
- example: wire = worm, duck = ferryboat, bird = airplane,
2. Affective
- Discript emotional elements using known objects, which has similar characteristic.
- example: hardworking = ant, lazy = pig, fast = leopard, slow = snail

Ways of expressing:
1. Metaphor: "He is as hardworking as an ant"
2. Simile: "He works like an ant"
3. Oxymoron: "He works like a lazy ant."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week 7 Exercise

Our assignment was to choose a film to review and note it's juxtaposition. So, I chose Tim Burton's - Corpse Bride.

Juxtaposition for movies:

Orderliness / Chaos
In the world of the living, there is orderliness. Everything must go according to plan. Like the arranged marriage between Victor and Victoria must happen at all cost. Victor is introduced to the underworld where anything can happen, from being married to a corpse to a band of singing skeletons.

Living / dead
The world of the living is seen as boring & strictly organized whereas the world of the dead is filled with freedom and youthful vitality, where the dead celebrate and sing songs of merriment.

Colourful/ Bland
Just like in the poster on the left, the land of the dead is colourful and filled with vibrant hues. The land of the living is filled with bland colours of gray,blue, peach and beige. The colours reflect the rigid, drab and lifelessness of the living. In contrast, the vibrant colours of the underworlds are invigorating and dead people are swirling in a dance of vitality. The liveliness of the inhabitants is mixed together with a palette of richly textured shades.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 7 Class

Date: 2 March 2010
Title: Juxtaposition
Objective: To understand juxtaposition
Lecture: Sharifah Nur Anthasha

For this week, Miss Tasha introduced us to the term Juxtaposition. Juxtaposition is the act of positioning close together (or side by side). It means comparing and contrasting two variables based on their similarities and differences. For example: the rich and poor people in a movie scene. The purpose is to make the development of story more interesting. The technique used to generate creative thinking is Random juxtaposition and it means looking 2 objects in a same manner as if they are the same.

During the class, she gave an example of juxtaposition based on the TV drama 'Lost'. The example was interesting because it has actually changed the way I watch film now.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 6 Self Reflection

In my own opinion, "Method of creative Thinking" is a really interesting topic to be learned. As a Creative Multimedia student, I think we need to learn both of these techniques because I strongly believe it will actually help us improve our skills in generating new ideas. Mortar and Pestle

Based on theclass exercise, here are my ideas for some new functions of using a Mortar and a Pestle.

I chose 3 keywords: Religion, Hungry and Game

1) Keyword: “Religion”

Function: The mortar is filled with sand and use to put candle and burning sticks. The pestle is use to knock the side of the mortar. The sound is offer to the spirit and use to summon the spirits.

2) Keyword: “Hungry”

Function: The mortar is use to put hot soup with foods and other ingredients. The pestle is used to stir the soup in the mortar.

3) Keyword: “Game”

Function: The mortar is given to male and pestle is given to female. At least require 6 players for this game. 3 pairs of mortar and pestle are created and each pair has different colour. For example: The male which hold the red mortar has to the go search for the female which have the red colour pestle. The first one who found the same colour of mortar and pestle is the winner.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 6 Class Summary

Date: 23 February 2010
Title: Associate Mind Mapping
Objective: To think out of the box using associate mind map
Lecture: Mr. Radzi Bedu

This week's lecture is about associate mind map. Associate mind mapping will able to prevent people from produce out the stereotype ideas. For example, when you think of crocodile, it is passive and heavy creature on the ground. These are the stereotypes that first come to our mind first. But actually crocodile is very fast when it hunting in water. In other words, Associated Mind Map using the main subject to generate new random words and show the links between words that seemingly has no connection.

Mr.Radzi also shows us an example of associate mind map using the mortar & pestle as the main subject. We were asked to choose a word from that mind map and come out with different uses of the subject.

Overall, today class is easy to understand and I think class exercise for this week is quite interesting.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 4 self reflections

This week class is more interesting because I have actually gained more knowledge about mind mapping. I think the purpose of doing mind map is to tell people something they do not know in a creative way and make it interesting to look at.

In order to create a creative mind map, we must always think outside the box. Whatever idea that comes through our mind in the first place might also on the others mind as well. I also remember and strongly agree with what my lecture said “Do not think of only a linear way, try to find alternative way. Also try pull around with idea and do not just focus on one brain, then only we can get new idea”.

I was given a task to do a creative mind map about myself.

Date: 9 February 2010
Title: Mind Mapping
Objective: To understand about Mind Map
Lecture: Mustafa Bin Md Muzer

A Mind Map is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally "maps out" your ideas. It is also a strategic and game play in order to success.

Example of mind-map

A good Mind Mapping:
1. Able to pursue people.
2. Provide understanding of new idea or research.
3. Convert information into a colourful, memorable and highly organized diagram.

We must use both of our brain to think.
Left brain - think logically;
Right brain - think creatively.

So, in order to generate a creative mind map, practise using our right brain.

Logical mind map - can directly connect to stereotype.

Associated mind map – able to make two different words that have no connection link together.